Ice climbing at Eugenia Falls

Ice climbing at Eugenia Falls
Eugenia Falls

Sunday, 27 May 2012

Eat, drink and don't be like Gary.

To celebrate Ryder Hesjedal's victory I went out for a ride down to Creemore and then back up to Glenhuron (don't stick your finger in the spokes) and back home. On the way down I decided to do some wind sprints and for the entire ride I pushed hard. For the 58 km ride I averaged 29.5 kph and I was completely spent when I arrived home. My heart rate moniter said I had burned 1750 calories over the 2 hour ride.
I showered up and then sat down to watch the Indy 500 but found I couldn't keep my eyes open. This has been happening often this year after working out. I get very sleepy and lethargic so it was time to google it and see what some people in the know thought about this problem and I guess I am not surprised by the answers.
I have always been notorious for not drinking enough water while exercising going back to my hockey playing days. I take some water on rides but rarely finish the bottle even though on a day like today I sweat a lot. I have also not been bringing food with me on rides or eating beforehand and this could mean that after a couple of hours my blood sugar levels are dropping significantly. The third thing could be simply that I have been riding a little too much. I am relatively new to this road biking thing so it's possible the almost 300 kms I have ridden in the last nine days is pushing it a little bit.
So it seems the solutions are simple and from here on in I am going to try to be more careful. I will drink more water on rides as well as bring an energy drink along. I will also try to eat better before rides and bring some form of snack (mmmm, banana bread) on rides. I am still going to work hard but if I take care of my diet and hydration things should improve and these waves of sleepiness after rides hopefully will end.

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