Yesterday I tried out my Sweat Gutr for the first time. It is worn like a headband and its sole purpose is to channel sweat that is running down your forehead to the sides and hopefully away from your eyes. It is fully adjustable for just about any size head.
After my first ride wearing it my impressions are both good and bad. The first thing I noticed was it kept on getting pushed down by my helmet so that it was resting on my brow which was slightly annoying to say the least. As I heated up and started to sweat climbing Grey road 19 the Gutr did stop most of the sweat from running in my eyes. Most. I could feel small amounts of sweat at the corner of my eyes but for the most part it didn't get in my eyes until much later in the 2 hour ride. Twice near the end of the ride I had a bit of sweat run into my left eye which seems to be the eye I always have trouble with. One other problem I had was it rested on my ears and that was a bit uncomfortable.
Overall the Sweat Gutr gets a 7 out of 10 from me for keeping the sweat out of my eyes. This doesn't mean that score might not improve in the future because I think it will take a little time and a few adjustments to improve the performance of it. I will continue to wear it and try to fine tune the fit so that hopefully one day I can complete a ride without stinging eyes.
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