I have just noticed that I wrote an "I lied, there's another post in me" post but sadly I have little memory of doing it. I guess there was a slight bit more alcohol involved than I let on because although there is a vague memory forming now of that post I don't think I intended to put it out for human comsumption until there was more meat to it like............more words. It was supposed to remain as a draft but in my stupor I suppose it somehow made it to an actual post. OOPS.
As it stands I am back from Aspen now. I had a great time skiing on real snow although I must admit my nightlife was limited because I was tired for a lot of the vacation. It may have been altitude induced or it may have been caused by this bug that I am fighting for a second week now. There is no doubt about one thing though, there is a lot of money floating around in Aspen. I have never seen so many private jets in my life. There must have been close to 80-90 parked at the airport and apparently there were more parked at another airport not far away.
I skied for five days and on the sixth we went to a sulphur spring which was nice but not something that I would do a second time.
Trixie, Hansi,Steve and Willy. |
Thanks to Hansi for inviting me and showing all of us a great time. The accomodations were excellent. Everyone loved the skiing and the apres afterwards. I now have to wait four weeks and then it's off to Vail for another week of fun. I could learn to like this retirement thing.
Ass Pen sounded like alot of fun but Vile will be a hoot!!