It has just been announced in the last few minutes that the 3 shafias have been found guilty of first degree murder in the deaths of their 3 daughters; Zainab, Sahar and Geeti. As well they murdered shafia's first (and real) wife Rona Amir. I have followed this story for quite a while and I can't hide the fact that the verdict makes me quite happy. If I believed in hell it would be my wish that the three murderers rot there. They are very lucky they didn't commit their heinous crime in a US state with the death penalty because the majority of folks would have no issue with ending the lives of these pieces of human garbage.
While following the trial every day it became obvious that the three pieces of human garbage suffered from a superiority complex, thinking they were smarter than the police, the defence and in the end the Canadian public. They sat in the witness box lying through their teeth, confident that the gullible Canadians would be duped by their idiotic alibis and nonsensical explanations for the events the day of the murders. When it became obvious that their lies were transparent they were incapable of doing the truly honourable thing, admitting their guilt. Snivelling cowards like these three know nothing of honour and never will. Despicable trash, all three.
For years the young girls hated their lives, one saying she wanted to die, another running away to a shelter to get away from these pieces of human garbage. All they wanted was the life their Canadian friends had, one of freedom of choice, freedom of thought, but for women from patriarchal societies run by tiny minded little men (in body only) there is little to do but hope your father or brother is not living in the dark ages. And these two were. Sadly the second "wife" believed the garbage she had been fed for her entire life and went along with the plan.
I hope the three never get out of prison and even more I hope that this verdict makes anyone else living in the dark ages who decides his honour is more important than the life of a woman to think again. Canada will never tolerate this kind of behaviour which is being brought into our country. Never.
Goodbye Zainab, Sahar and Geeti. Goodbye Rona Amir. You all deserved so much more from life.
Well said. Sad the sort of men who find 'honour' in the behaviour of their women not their own deeds. Bastards!!