In an effort to stay in some kind of decent condition for skiing I decided to climb up Blue for some exercise so Off Guinness and I went to meet up with some friends. I arrive at 11 as planned but somehow I missed the folks I was supposed to climb with so we were on our own. I decided to climb straight up Memory Lane and then come down Tranquility. The hill was partially covered in snow so I tried to stay on the grassy sections for traction. Guinness didn't have to worry about this and was off and running. That liitle dog can run like mad. I was huffing and puffing in short order and by the time I got to the steep section near the top I had worked up a good sweat. Guiiness looked unaffected other than the tongue hanging out of his mouth.
Guinness |
Top of Tranquility |
We made it to the top and then made our way one hill over to Tranquility and I took a couple of pictures before heading down. I decided against running down the hill, partly because it was slippery but mostly because I have done that once before and could hardly make it down the stairs for the next 2 days. I tend to learn things the hard way. It was tricky footing all the way down and I think it was harder on my legs than going up. By the time I got to the bottom my shoes weighed about 3 pounds each with clay. A good little workout though.
On Sunday I met up with Brian and we climbed up the hiking trail by the South lodge and then across the top to Happy Valley and back down again. Another nice little workout that has left my legs stiff and sore today but still capable of making it down the stairs. Next weekend it will be the same routine again. Guinness can't wait.
Hiking trail |
I remember having some long walks/hikes around the Blue Mountain area. Loved it. And don't run down hills. You'll bugger your knee!