Today I went back down to Steve's place on Snow Valley road for a mountain bike ride. Susan was also riding as were Cam and Lori. The weather was perfect for a ride .
On Tuesday when I rode there I reduced the air pressure in my front tire and the HiFi definitely handled better. It wasn't great but certainly it didn't pogo near as much as it had and my pinballing down the trail was greatly reduced. The bike was actually controllable.
During the ride today both Steve and Cam tried some adjustments which improved the bikes handling even more. The first was to reduce the air pressure in the fork to 100 lbs from the 130 it was at. Then they adjusted the rebound. With those 2 changes the bike handling improved even more. For the first time since I owned that bike it felt controllable, predictable and fast. Going through really rocky sections the bike did not surprise me once. It was a pleasure to ride. I should have figured out these adjustments for myself but sadly I am a techno-boob who just wants to get on the bike and ride. Why do forks have to be so adjustable? Lockout? Who needs it. Massive rebound and preload adjustments. Not necessary. I just want to ride. I don't really care how it works as long as it does. I mean, let's face it. I'm the mental midget who stuck his finger in the spokes while riding the bike last week.
It was a fun ride though and Steve and Susan served up some burgers afterwards so all in all a pretty good day. Lori even mentioned that I had lost some weight. What she doesn't know is I lose weight from my face and hardly anywhere else. If somehow I managed to lose 10 pounds my head would be the size of a peanut. Which would make sticking my fingers in the spokes more understandable.
You are making me laugh here. I just wish when I lost weight some of it came off my boobs!!!