Ice climbing at Eugenia Falls

Ice climbing at Eugenia Falls
Eugenia Falls

Tuesday, 12 July 2011

The Devious Bastard!

First of all I would like to say again I was thrilled that folks who came to my party a few months ago seemed to enjoy themselves and the pictures seem to validate this. Although I didn't want anyone to bring anything but themselves some were kind enough to bring a bottle of wine over which was truly appreciated. One gift which I believe was brought over by Cathy were the Baileys choooocccooooolaaaaates. I love Baileys Chocolate Treats like nothing else. I don't like to keep them in the house though because I would be 400 lbs now. They are so good, wonderful milk chocolate filled with Bailey's Irish Cream liqueur. MMMMMM! I had visions of savouring a couple per day for the following 2 or 3 weeks. Chocolate heaven.
The next morning I awoke, hung over and thinking that a Baileys Chocolate Treat would be a great start towards a hangover remedy. I staggered to the kitchen and there was a cereal bowl containing only 5 Baileys chocolates. That's hardly enough to satisfy me when I'm not hungover let alone when I am trying to recover from one of my worst mornings after. I had pictures in my head of party goers chowing down on my favourite chocolates knowing that I was too drunk to realize what was going on. I looked for evidence to support that theory but I could only find one or two Bailey's Chocolate wrappers. I envisioned everyone going home and cleaning Bailey's wrappers out of their pockets. I got up off my knees and put the garbage back, heartbroken that my friends had failed to recognize how much I love those chocolates.
Now it is 7 weeks after the party and I notice the old Baileys Chocolate Treats container leftover from Christmas which has been sitting empty beside the microwave. I figured I could use it for storing some kind of long skinny something (if you're reading this Myers stop giggling) but that never happened so I finally decide to throw it away. After not touching it for quite a while I picked it up and notice immediately that it was much heavier than it should be. I removed the lid and what did I find but this:

I'll track you down!
 Fucking full of Bailey's Chocolate treats. What devious bastard would put the fucking Baileys Chocolate Treats into the fucking Bailey's Chocolate Treats container. Hide them in plain sight! Toy with me why don't you. The levels of cruelty some people will stoop to. I wouldn't have bonked the other day if I had Baileys Chocolate Treats on the ride. I'm going to find out who comitted this dastardly deed. Be afraid, be very afraid.


  1. Loving that photo. Quick stick a chocolate in and put a smile on. You are scaring my kids!!!

  2. Are you sure it was someone other than yourself??
