It was a dark and dreary day, check that, it is a dark and dreary day here in the beautiful town of Collingwood. It looks like the rain will be with us for a while which is a bit of a drag because I really wanted to go for a ride today. I had even considered going to 3 stage for my first mountain bike ride of the year but it will be more than a bit wet in there I imagine. We used to have an unwritten rule about not riding in the trails when they were muddy because the bikes can really tear a muddy trail up. I have also grown to dislike riding on wet trails because it's nowhere near as fun as in the dry and I can't be bothered to muck up the bike and clean it when I get back home. How sad is that. I guess that's just another indication that my love of mountain biking has waned a bit. Jumping logs and doing the slower technical riding simply doesn't turn my crank like it used to. I still have a need for speed which is why I do really enjoy the rides with Cam and Steve down at Snow Valley. There are certainly technical aspects to the ride but they are done at speed which appeals to me. I truly do enjoy the road riding now and I suppose one of the reasons is I am learning something new. Simply getting on the bike and pedaling, not having to think of anything except my spin. Forgetting about all of the days hassles. After a ride my mind is clear and uncluttered which does me a world of good.
All that being said a road ride is also out of the question today because of the rain so I opted to go downstairs and hop on the rollers and get my spin in that way. It would also help me sweat out last nights beer. I rolled for a little over 36 minutes at an average speed of 41.5 kph which is a good rate and worked up a hell of a sweat. It could only be described as a sprint workout but that's better than nothing.
Tonight I'm off to Jozo's for a "disco" party that Karen Andersen has put together. The invite said to wear what you would have worn in the seventies so it will be easy because my taste in clothing hasn't changed a bit in 40 years. Neither has my dancing ability, or maybe I should call it my dancing disability. That is infinitely more accurate.
I want to see you in wide legged trousers and a paisley shirt!