I had a thoroughly enjoyable year skiing this year, probably the most fun I have had skiing in many years. I even managed to get out on the snowboard 3 times out of the roughly 25 times at the hill. It would have been great to board one day in Colorado but I couldn't fit it in my bag along with the skis. Oh well, you can't have everything.
Thursday was my ski day of choice this year because the crowds were small and it seems to be the lucky day for good visibility on the hill. Lori came up Thursdays as well and Cam made it up for some of them (he's management now so there are fewer play days). We would ski until around 11:15 and then head to Jozo's for lunch which usually included the onion rings. Best onion rings I have ever had.
I don't think I had any spectacular crashes this year but I did go through the windshield on Starters Gate one day. I slid down on my chest for a ways before managing to stop, looked around and happily notice that no one saw or heard it which raises the age old question...If Gary crashes on the hill and no one sees or hears it and his subsequent cursing goes undetected, did it really happen? The answer is of course, it wouldn't be a real ski day if I wasn't grooming some hill somewhere. I tend to ski the way I mountain bike which is on the verge of disaster at all times. You only live once. And besides on a really cold day somebody has to provide the comic relief .
Speaking of comic relief Lori and I had what might have been the best laugh of the year on O-Hill (or whatever it's called now) about a month ago. We were both sporting an illegal smile (thank you John Prine) and heading up on the chair when we noticed a
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