Today I was hoping to say that tomorrow was going to be my last day skiing at Blue this season because it was getting too warm and I am now getting ready to pull the new road bike out. Instead I am forced to say that tomorrow's forecast is for winter like conditions with no real warm weather on the way for several days. Damn. I have had a great time skiing (and snowboarding) this winter but I am ready for some spring weather. Last Thursday was a fantastic ski day and sunning on the deck at TSC was as good as it gets (except for the unwanted advances by Mr. Orange Car) but it looks like it will be lunch indoors at Jozo's tomorrow. Lori and Cam will be up so regardless of weather it will be a fun day and our last ski day before heading out to Beaver Creek.
As for my new road bike it's a full carbon fibre Trek Madone 5.2. Trek is the company, a Madone is, well I have no idea what a Madone is, they just pulled a word out of a hat it seems and 5.2 means it is for someone who understands decimals I guess. I believe it holds the world record for the most times a company can advertise itself on it's product. There are 14 Trek stickers on my bike. 14! I had my first road bike crash on the Madone as my basement. I was on my rollers training on the bike. I tried to check my new heart rate monitor/watch while pedaling like mad and it seems I'm unable to do both simultaneously. The front wheel veered off the roller, the back wheel followed and the next thing I knew I was lying on the floor with a sore hip. Guinness thought I was mad. Guinness thinks I am mad. Guinness knows I am mad.

And now Guinness has proof that I am mad because it has taken me 25 minutes to get that picture of the bike onto the page. I tried first to take pictures of the friggin thing downstairs but for some god damn reason the photos were all out of focus so I then downloaded this picture but then I couldn't get the friggin thing where I wanted it on the page. Pardon my french but fuck fuck fuck. I hope my neighbours weren't outside because they would have had a lesson in cursing. One of these days I will figure this damn computer shit out. There it is though, my bike. I am now going to go to my happy place; if I can ever fucking find it.
Deep breath - out with the bad thoughts; in with the good ones. Repeat until you feel better. HeeHee!