Today was probably my last road ride for the year. Todd and I went for a short ride over to the airport, back to Blue Mountain and then returned to Collingwood. Standing outside just before we left I was chilled but I figured it wouldn't take very long to warm up. How wrong could I be? As well as being only 10C it was quite breezy which gave the chill even more bite. The totals were 43 km in 1:34:21 with a low average cadence of 75 rpm. My toes were frozen on one foot near the end as well as having some numb fingers.
As it stands right now my quads are stiff, probably because I never managed to get the muscles warm enough to function properly through the entire ride. It's a bit of a piss off because my last ride ride of the year was pretty much a lousy ride that I had a tough time enjoying.
My season total was 2400 kms on the bike which doesn't really seem like a lot to me but April's weather was terrible so very little riding was done and in the last month I have worked so much there hasn't been much good biking time.
This was the first year I given a concentrated effort into road riding and there is no doubt about it, I really enjoy it. I like the "Zen" aspect of it, concentrating on my spin, my efficiency and ways to improve. As much as it seems simple it isn't.
I loved riding the Trek Madone as well and I'm quite sure there will be no need for a new bike for many years to come.
Tomorrow it's off to Steve's place near Snow Valley for what will probably be my last mountain bike ride of the year. I didn't ride my Gary Fisher that much this year but at least the set up on the bike is correct for me now and the recent rides on it have been enjoyable. I like the Snow Valley rides so it should be a good day.
It's now Monday and I would like to report that my Sunday mountain bike ride at Steve's place was excellent. Cam, Dan and myself rode together and Lori and Susan went their own way on their ride. It was a perfect fall day and thankfully Cam knows the trails because it was hard see where they were sometimes with all the fallen leaves. The Gary Fisher Hifi was fun to ride because it is finally set up properly. It was completely predictable the entire ride. Steve and Susan did a great dinner afterwards so all in all it was a perfect way to end the season.
I hope to inform and entertain people about the different sporting activities in and around Collingwood.
Ice climbing at Eugenia Falls

Eugenia Falls
Saturday, 22 October 2011
Tuesday, 18 October 2011
I was a little bored last week and wondering what I could do to pass some time and somehow I came to the conclusion that it was time for me to join Facebook. I am still not sure why I now have a Facebook page or if I am going to have a Facebook page a week from now but it has been interesting and to a degree amazing.
The moment I started the page all these suggestions for friends started coming up and the amazing thing was I knew quite a few of the people being suggested for friends. I am assuming the program searches for people using the same words as I used in my profile such as Collingwood and that's why a lot of people I know from this area showed up. I am guessing on that though.
I hadn't had my page active for more than a day when I received a friend request from a Susan Ma___tte. I looked at her picture, she was a road biker and wracked my brain but could not figure out for the life of me who she was so I denied the friendship request. The next day I received another friendship request from a Ted Nichols who, judging by his profile picture was a motorcycle rider. Once again I wracked my brain and for the life of me could not figure out who Ted Nichols was so I denied that friendship request as well.
I have now just gotten off the phone with Lori, my first Facebook friend and she happened to mention Ted Nichols and I had to ask, who the hell is Ted Nichols so she brought me up to date and I feel bad now. You see, I have known Ted for many years but I always thought his last name was Steve'sfriend. That's how I always knew him. Well, okay that's not quite accurate. For a while I thought his last name was Cheryl'shusband but then I realized it was Steve'sfriend. Then again, now that I think about it a little more there was about a week or two when I figured his last name was Thehydroguy. Only for a week or two though.
I know one thing for sure. If I had seen Ted Nichols on a motorcycle just once, just one lousy time on a friggin motorcycle I probably would have figured it out for myself. Or I may have denied the friendship request from Ted Nichols and wondered why I hadn't heard from Ted Themotorcycler yet. It's hard to know anything for sure anymore. I suppose an apology is in order so I would like to state now without reservation, I'm sorry Tod.
The moment I started the page all these suggestions for friends started coming up and the amazing thing was I knew quite a few of the people being suggested for friends. I am assuming the program searches for people using the same words as I used in my profile such as Collingwood and that's why a lot of people I know from this area showed up. I am guessing on that though.
I hadn't had my page active for more than a day when I received a friend request from a Susan Ma___tte. I looked at her picture, she was a road biker and wracked my brain but could not figure out for the life of me who she was so I denied the friendship request. The next day I received another friendship request from a Ted Nichols who, judging by his profile picture was a motorcycle rider. Once again I wracked my brain and for the life of me could not figure out who Ted Nichols was so I denied that friendship request as well.
I have now just gotten off the phone with Lori, my first Facebook friend and she happened to mention Ted Nichols and I had to ask, who the hell is Ted Nichols so she brought me up to date and I feel bad now. You see, I have known Ted for many years but I always thought his last name was Steve'sfriend. That's how I always knew him. Well, okay that's not quite accurate. For a while I thought his last name was Cheryl'shusband but then I realized it was Steve'sfriend. Then again, now that I think about it a little more there was about a week or two when I figured his last name was Thehydroguy. Only for a week or two though.
I know one thing for sure. If I had seen Ted Nichols on a motorcycle just once, just one lousy time on a friggin motorcycle I probably would have figured it out for myself. Or I may have denied the friendship request from Ted Nichols and wondered why I hadn't heard from Ted Themotorcycler yet. It's hard to know anything for sure anymore. I suppose an apology is in order so I would like to state now without reservation, I'm sorry Tod.
Sunday, 16 October 2011
For the past few weeks I have noticed posters in the Orangeville-Shelburne area advertising Foodstock. I must admit I had no idea what it was about and because it was my work weekend I pretty much ignored it completely.
On my way back home today from work I was surprised by the amount of traffic coming through Shelburne from the north. As I headed north the cars kept coming. Then I started passing parked cars on both sides of the highway for close to 2 miles. That's a lot of parked cars. There were traffic cops and people returning to their cars to head home. It was then I realized that Foodstock was all about food, and farms, and the people of the area trying to stop the mega-quarry from becoming a reality.
My understanding of the situation is that potato farms in the area were sold to the new owners who posed as farmers themselves. Apparently they may have been farmers but they were purchasing the land for an American hedge fund that wants to start a massive aggregate pit, one of the largest in Canada. After the aggregates (gravel and such) are removed they will have access to a huge lode of limestone. They will be digging down as deep as Niagara Falls is high and there are real fears about the ground water of the area being compromised. It's not surprising that the locals are against this pit and although I'm all for progress this just sounds like a bad idea any way you look at it.
Foodstock today was a way to have fun, enjoy some music (Jim Cuddy and others), free food from many well known chefs and restaurants (Tesoros was there), and simply have a great day in some beautiful countryside. If you wanted to give a donation to the cause then all the better. I'm sure most people gladly did. What a great way to educate people on the issue while having them enjoy a great day out at the same time. Today the people of Melancton township and surrounding areas spoke and and I have no doubt they were heard and will continue to be heard until their battle is won and the pit is recognised as a terrible idea that will never happen.
On my way back home today from work I was surprised by the amount of traffic coming through Shelburne from the north. As I headed north the cars kept coming. Then I started passing parked cars on both sides of the highway for close to 2 miles. That's a lot of parked cars. There were traffic cops and people returning to their cars to head home. It was then I realized that Foodstock was all about food, and farms, and the people of the area trying to stop the mega-quarry from becoming a reality.
My understanding of the situation is that potato farms in the area were sold to the new owners who posed as farmers themselves. Apparently they may have been farmers but they were purchasing the land for an American hedge fund that wants to start a massive aggregate pit, one of the largest in Canada. After the aggregates (gravel and such) are removed they will have access to a huge lode of limestone. They will be digging down as deep as Niagara Falls is high and there are real fears about the ground water of the area being compromised. It's not surprising that the locals are against this pit and although I'm all for progress this just sounds like a bad idea any way you look at it.
Foodstock today was a way to have fun, enjoy some music (Jim Cuddy and others), free food from many well known chefs and restaurants (Tesoros was there), and simply have a great day in some beautiful countryside. If you wanted to give a donation to the cause then all the better. I'm sure most people gladly did. What a great way to educate people on the issue while having them enjoy a great day out at the same time. Today the people of Melancton township and surrounding areas spoke and and I have no doubt they were heard and will continue to be heard until their battle is won and the pit is recognised as a terrible idea that will never happen.
Monday, 10 October 2011
Happy Thanksgiving
I hope that as you read this you are stuffed with turkey and feeling sleepy after having thirds. I had my turkey dinner Saturday, it was excellent and for the first time I had sweet potato pie which was incredible. After all that I had to head home and fall asleep. Happy thanksgiving to all.
With the passing of thanksgiving we now head into what I call the dead zone, the time when the tourist invasion eases off and there is little going on until the first ski day.
I celebrated today by going for a bike ride in what could only be described as perfect weather conditions, around 20C with light winds. I headed off to Badjeros to visit Dr. Lucy, have my head read and then head back home. The ride totalled out at 63 kms with a 28.1 average speed which left me really tired at the end because I did put a lot of effort into it. The strange thing is after rides where I push myself hard like today I get back home, have a shower and proceed to almost pass out from feeling super tired. It must be that as much as it's a physical workout it is also mentally draining concentrating on keeping ones speed up for a couple of hours. When I first got serious about road riding I figured you just got on a bike and pedalled but the more I ride the more I realize there is a great deal of technique involved as well. It seems I still have a lot to learn.
A great part of today's ride were the fall colours which were stunning. This year I think the colours were as vivid as I have ever seen. Above is my amateurish picture which really doesn't show the colours at all but there it is just the same, taken at the bottom of the Pretty River road.
Something amazing has happened as well. I had more hits this week from Russia than from Canada. I have no idea why unless a bunch of Canadian spies have just been released from the gulag. If it's simply because you Russians are enjoying reading my blog then thank you very much.
With the passing of thanksgiving we now head into what I call the dead zone, the time when the tourist invasion eases off and there is little going on until the first ski day.
I celebrated today by going for a bike ride in what could only be described as perfect weather conditions, around 20C with light winds. I headed off to Badjeros to visit Dr. Lucy, have my head read and then head back home. The ride totalled out at 63 kms with a 28.1 average speed which left me really tired at the end because I did put a lot of effort into it. The strange thing is after rides where I push myself hard like today I get back home, have a shower and proceed to almost pass out from feeling super tired. It must be that as much as it's a physical workout it is also mentally draining concentrating on keeping ones speed up for a couple of hours. When I first got serious about road riding I figured you just got on a bike and pedalled but the more I ride the more I realize there is a great deal of technique involved as well. It seems I still have a lot to learn.
A great part of today's ride were the fall colours which were stunning. This year I think the colours were as vivid as I have ever seen. Above is my amateurish picture which really doesn't show the colours at all but there it is just the same, taken at the bottom of the Pretty River road.
Something amazing has happened as well. I had more hits this week from Russia than from Canada. I have no idea why unless a bunch of Canadian spies have just been released from the gulag. If it's simply because you Russians are enjoying reading my blog then thank you very much.
Monday, 3 October 2011
What now?
It's been a couple of weeks since my last post and that is because I have done very little in the way of sports other than a few rides. I suppose there are other things that could be discussed but it's hard to say how interesting that would be. My intention today was to just say that due to a huge lack of interest (thank you to those of you who still read this blog, all 5 of you) I was going to take a brief break from it but then when I checked the stats page today was the most hits this blog has ever received in a day. Go figure. Still that's only 32 hits although 5 of those were from India which is puzzling to say the least. It was probably one blind Indian who kept hitting the wrong computer key.
I guess the only interesting thing that has happened to me is getting barred from my usual haunt, the Admirals Post. I had a little run in with the new manager (sneaky bitch) because she (rotten little bitch) forced the best bartender (she's gorgeous, smart, great with people and hard working) there to leave. The new manager (lying bitch) did this because Wendy is everything she (jealous bitch) isn't. The funny part is I said my peace, making sure I was heard by about 10 other customers, and then left and went to the Huron House across the road for a beer. One of the new owners of the Post followed me over to inform me that I was now barred. He seemed irate. I don't think I'll miss the Post much at all.
I guess the only interesting thing that has happened to me is getting barred from my usual haunt, the Admirals Post. I had a little run in with the new manager (sneaky bitch) because she (rotten little bitch) forced the best bartender (she's gorgeous, smart, great with people and hard working) there to leave. The new manager (lying bitch) did this because Wendy is everything she (jealous bitch) isn't. The funny part is I said my peace, making sure I was heard by about 10 other customers, and then left and went to the Huron House across the road for a beer. One of the new owners of the Post followed me over to inform me that I was now barred. He seemed irate. I don't think I'll miss the Post much at all.
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